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HomeNewsTrustee Vacancies

Trustee Vacancies

The Board of the Bingham Library Trust has recently published a strategic framework and forward plan; in order to be successful in delivering the vision for the future, the Trust needs a wide range of skills, knowledge and acumen on the Board. The Trust is currently looking for several new Trustees to join the team.

We equally recognise the importance that the Trust represents the wider community it serves and is accessible to all, demonstrating equality and inclusiveness; creating a welcoming and diverse culture which contributes to Daniel Bingham’s legacy living on for future generations beyond our lifetime.

The Board meets at least four times a year, in addition to holding an annual public meeting. Invariably meetings take place in person at Bingham House in Cirencester and some meetings are held virtually. Overall, the estimated minimum time commitment is around 3 days per annum plus reading and preparation time for meetings.

Bingham Library Trust’s Mission
We will re-imagine and sustain Daniel Bingham’s ‘access to all’ legacy in improving life and well-being; developing knowledge and advancing education through the arts, music, books, leisure and community activities. Enabled and facilitated through our property assets, in partnership with others, for and on behalf of Cirencester and the wider public.

Our Vision
To create opportunities for improving the well-being of individuals who live in and around Cirencester and to re-imagine Daniel Bingham’s legacy for the benefit of future generations.

Our Values
Property Stewardship: using the property endowed and managed by the Trust to enable the delivery of the vision and mission statement. Partnership Focused: to lead and collaborate with others.
Public Facing: to create a sense of community and opportunity, through volunteering and access to learning, promoting reading and the arts, alongside proactively collecting and looking after local archives.

Our Charitable Aims and Activities
For the benefit of Cirencester, to advance public education & the arts/music. Also to provide facilities for recreation or leisure, in the interests of social welfare, to improve life for people who live in or visit the area and/or people who have particular needs by reason of youth, age, infirmity, disability, poverty or social and economic circumstances.

If you would like to become a Director Trustee please send us your CV and a brief covering letter outlining your experience, skills and knowledge on/before Friday 27th October 2023.

Applications can be sent to the Trust by hand delivery, post or e-mail to Andrew Tubb, c/o Bingham House, 1 Dyer Street, Cirencester, Gloucestershire, GL7 2PP or andrew@cirencester.gov.uk

Also, please feel free to contact Andrew if you would like to arrange an informal chat and to find out more.

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