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Daniel Bingham Foundation Gallery – Permanent Exhibition 

We look forward to welcoming you to the Bingham Gallery, where you can explore the life of our benefactor Daniel George Bingham, the history of Bingham House and experience a glimpse of our collection across different mediums. 

With grants from the Kate Winstone Trust and St James’s Place, we are delighted to have launched a permanent exhibition at the Bingham Gallery.  Open to the public all year round, the permanent display includes information about the life of Daniel Bingham and history of Bingham House, as well as showcasing the collection by medium including oils, watercolours, drawings, prints, photographs, and embroideries. Click here to read more about the Permanent exhibition and the artworks on display.


Annual Exhibition – ‘Contemporary Artwork by Laurie Plant’

The Bingham Gallery is also host to the Daniel Bingham Foundation Annual Exhibition.  For 2024/2025 the Trustees of the Foundation invited artist Laurie Plant to curate an exhibition of his work in the Gallery. ‘Contemporary Artwork by Laurie Plant’ brings together selected works about Cirencester, Bingham and the artist’s recent work. The pieces exhibited show Plant’s approaches to painting and drawing directly from life, often outside or on location, in addition to work made in the studio. Based in Cirencester, Plant works on art projects and teaches art in education and outreach programmes. In 2012, Plant was commissioned by the Daniel Bingham Foundation to make the artwork exhibited here. Click here to read in the artists own words, his thoughts and motivations behind the works on show.


For Daniel George Bingham by Laurie Plant

Cirencester – A Life Well Lived

Portrait of Daniel George Bingham

Our 2023 exhibition celebrated the lives of Cirencester residents throughout history. It looked at the many aspects of life, from social and leisure activities to education and work. This information was set alongside iconic places in Cirencester and against the context of Cirencester’s history. The artworks, photographs and archives were taken from our collections.

Past exhibitions have included Cirencester A Century Ago – People and Places from the 1921 Census, Exploring Art @ the Bingham Gallery, Treasures from the Collections, Pubs, past and present, Transport in Cirencester, Cirencester People, portraits over 200 years (focussing on the extraordinary Cox collection of photographs of local people dating from the 1860s), and Drawing on Cirencester, historic drawings of Cirencester over 200 years.

Cirencester A Century Ago – People and Places from the 1921 Census

In the 2022 exhibition we met residents of Cirencester from the 1921 census. We learned about the history of the places they lived and enjoyed some art and photography depicting those places and how they have changed over time.

Thanks to the kindness and skills of the Camera Club and Civic Society (check them out below) the exhibition is still available to view online at: https://1drv.ms/v/s!AsZzxajrGoYWivhPNfhYmfvrtXDXsA?e=DVHort

Cirencester Camera Club

Whether you’re a novice looking to learn the basics, a hobbyist looking to sharpen your skills or a more experienced photographer willing to share your knowledge with others – you’ll find a warm welcome at our club.

We are a friendly and active club with an annual programme which includes practical sessions, illustrated talks given by highly regarded speakers, competitions with critique by external judges and ‘battles’ against other local clubs.

Our members have a wide range of photographic interests and experience, so there is always someone on hand to help with advice on technique, equipment or processing.  Whatever your age, skill level, or particular interest in photography, the club has something for you. Visitors are always welcome if you’d like to get a feel for what we do.

For more information see the club website https://cirencestercameraclub.org or email info@cirencestercameraclub.org.




2022 Exhibition

Exploring Art @ the Bingham Gallery

The 2021 exhibition explored the medium of art through our collection. Art is not defined nor confined, and is created in many ways through watercolour, oils, pastels, graphite, charcoal, pencil, mixed media, embroideries and photographs.

The exhibition looked at the story of art and the range of mediums and styles in which artists and creators express themselves.

Thanks to the kindness and skills of the Camera Club and Civic Society (check them out below) the exhibition is available online at Exploring Art @ the Bingham Gallery – YouTube

Cirencester Camera Club

Whether you’re a novice looking to learn the basics, a hobbyist looking to sharpen your skills or a more experienced photographer willing to share your knowledge with others – you’ll find a warm welcome at our club.

We are a friendly and active club with an annual programme which includes practical sessions, illustrated talks given by highly regarded speakers, competitions with critique by external judges and ‘battles’ against other local clubs.

Our members have a wide range of photographic interests and experience, so there is always someone on hand to help with advice on technique, equipment or processing.  Whatever your age, skill level, or particular interest in photography, the club has something for you. Visitors are always welcome if you’d like to get a feel for what we do.

Our 2021/22 season starts on 6th September and the programme features a mix of physical meetings (at the Parish Hall, Watermoor, Cirencester GL7 1NE) and online Zoom meetings.

For more information see the club website https://cirencestercameraclub.org or email info@cirencestercameraclub.org.


Cirencester Civic Society

Cirencester Civic Society was formed in 1967 and is a small charity with members who care about this historic town. We monitor planning applications, organise guided Town Walks and Heritage Open Days, serve on several committees with the Town Council, and erect plaques to commemorate famous residents and buildings.
Regular monthly meetings feature talks on a variety of subjects.
Please see the Civic Society website:-www.ccsoc.org.uk  for full details.

 2020 Online Exhibition

The Covid19 pandemic prevented our opening our doors. However, we were able to present an interim online exhibition;

Treasures from the Collections

Paintings, drawings, photographs, ephemera and original documents. 

Celebrating and sharing the richness of the Bingham Library Trust Collections

The online exhibition can be viewed as a PowerPoint presentation;Treasures-from-the-Collections-exhibition-September-2020

or as a PDF document;Treasures-from-the-Collections-exhibition-September-2020

Cirencester Market Place Cirencester Market Place by Victor Coverley Price

2019 exhibition


200 years of Cirencester at Leisure

Cricket to clubs, Theatre to pubs

And celebrating the centenary of the Cirencester Band

The 2019 exhibition looked at Cirencester at leisure, focusing on the themes of entertainment, sport, hobbies and public events.

Highlights of the exhibition included a glimpse of some of the pubs and inns, including a rare engraving based on a print by the 18th century artist, Hogarth, of the Ram Inn. There were some fascinating records of theatre and dance in the town from a Pierrot group to the Cirencester & District Folk Dance Society. Photographs show the impressive panorama of the Market Square as seen for public events from the Mop fair to Royal occasions, and exactly 100 years ago, Peace celebrations for the end of World War I. Football, cricket, golf and swimming were all represented and perhaps most remarkable, roller skating in the Corn Hall in the Edwardian period.

Roller-skating in the Corn Hall

2018 Exhibition

The 2018 exhibition looked at the work of Cirencester artists, focussing especially on those who lived and worked in the town. These include John Beecham, probably one of the most important of the town’s artists working in the 19th century, known for his historical paintings showing scenes from the history of the town. The exhibition included some of the earliest views of Cirencester from 200 years ago, painted by John Burden, a drawing master in the town, and John Evans. It also introduced new acquisitions, including a work by 20thcentury painter Anthony Klitz, known for his often red-clothed figures painted against a misty atmospheric backdrop, and by well-known local artist Tracey Elphick.

Shepherd's Place Shepherd’s Place, Gloucester Street, 1914 Frank Gibbons

2017 Exhibition

The Abbey Grounds

This exhibition linked to Abbey 900, the Festival which marked the 900th anniversary of the founding of the Augustinian Abbey of St Mary, in Cirencester.

Introduction Find out more

Abbey Grounds The Parish Church, Cirencester, 1969 Victor Coverley Price

2016 Exhibition

Drawing On Cirencester

The exhibition was entitled ‘Drawing on Cirencester’ – historic scenes of Cirencester over 250 years and explore how Cirencester has been depicted using the most direct and simplest of artist techniques, drawing.

The earliest drawing dated from nearly 230 years ago and is by Joseph Farringdon who was a topographical artist known for his series of British views and monuments who visited the town in 1790 and drew the Parish Church. The Gallery was especially thrilled to borrow from Corinium Museum a series of bold expressive drawings created in 1814 by the well-known artist Jean Claude Nattes, best-known for his various views of Great Britain.

These included views of the Norman Arch, the Swan Inn and the Bathurst estate. In an age before the camera or mobile phone, drawing was the simplest way to capture the local scene and these drawings provide an important record of the town. Drawings often captured a freedom of expression which a more expensive record – an oil painting often did not have.

The exhibition was brought up to date by a pencil and crayon drawing of Cirencester Church made in 1947 by Richard Adler a German prisoner of war at Sidington Hall. There were also some drawings from 2012 by Cirencester artist Laurie Plant of more unusual scenes as they show his intriguing take on modern buildings in the town, the Bingham Library and St James Place.

Find out more

Cirencester Church A North View of the Church, 1815 John Evans

2015 Exhibition

Cirencester People

Find out more Exhibition Catalogue

Cirencester People Servants at the Beeches Cirencester, 1880-90

2014 Exhibition

Cirencester Places

This exhibition explores some of Cirencester’s historic places and what past use can tell us about the present? How can much loved places continue as vibrant living places today? What happens when historic spaces become unloved places?

Introduction Find out more

Cirencester Market Place Cirencester Market Place, 1965, Victor Coverley-Price

Exhibitions 2005-13

Formally opened in September 2005, on the centenary of the opening of the building as the Bingham Library, the ground-floor Bingham Gallery is a multi-functional space supported by a strong exhibition theme. Examples from the Trust’s permanent collection, particularly John Beecham’s large oil paintings of Cirencester, are on display and provide an intriguing  backdrop to the other activities in the Gallery space.  Each summer, an exhibition on a specific theme is mounted and since 2005 these have included:

2005    Opening exhibition for the new Bingham Gallery

2006    The Artist’s Eye

2007    Cirencester Market Place

2008    Lost Cirencester

2009    Cirencester Parish Church

2010    Just the ticket : travel and transport in Cirencester

2011    Pubs Past and Present

2012    Royal Connections

2013    Cirencester 2013

More Information

For further information, please contact us – Email: info@danielbinghamfoundation.org.uk or tel: 01285 655646

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Hire the Gallery

Our gallery and conference suite is available to hire for exhibitions, meetings and conferences.

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